(CLAW) Center for Learning and Writing » The Michelle Szetela Center For Learning And Writing

The Michelle Szetela Center For Learning And Writing

We regret to inform you, the CLAW will not be a program here at Copper Hills next year (2024 - 2025). We unfourtunatly will not have anyone teaching the class. We hope you had a good experience here in the CLAW and we'd like to thank you for participating!
Location & Hours
We Are Located In Room 1224 
Tutoring Is Available Only On B Days During A & B Lunch
& Fridays During 1:00 - 2:00
Please Click On This Link To Fill Out The Form Before You Leave!
Scan For Social Media And Survey:

*Writers Spotlight*


We are looking for Writers to give us a new view on the Holidays!

The Writer’s Spotlight is a chance to have people read your work. If you are accepted as a Writer’s Spotlight, your work will be available to read in the library for the last two weeks of the month.


  • Write a piece from any genre on the theme for the month (see months and themes below)
  • It must be less than 500 words. Excerpts from longer stories are accepted. 
  • It must be in size 12 font or handwritten. 
  • Appearance is considered for neatness and professionalism
  • It must have a title. 


To submit, complete a mentoring session in the CLAW (Center for Learning and Writing) by the due date.


Months and Themes

December: Holiday variations: Due December 11

Free write: due by January 5

January: Pheonix and Rebirth: Due January 15

Free write due by February 1

February: Love or Revenge: Due February 15

Free write due by March 1

March: Can you write a story better than chat GBT? Due March 15

Freewrite due April 1

Endings: April 15

Freewrite: anytime May 1-20